Monday, August 13, 2007

Chiang Mai, conlcuded

Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Our final day in Chiang Mai was pretty low key. After resting at the hotel for a while, we decided we were bored. So we hired a Tuk Tuk to take us to the Bo Sang market. This is a market outside of Chiang Mai, dedicated to the manufacture and sale of Asian-style umbrellas. The place was smaller than I expected, but we did get to see various stages of the umbrella-making process:

Ben and I declined to buy one, being low on cash, and not wanting to stretch the weight limit on flights anymore. Still, it was neat to see these umbrellas being made. We then basically repeated the previous day, seeing The Bourne Ultimatum in the mall (once again standing for the video of the Thai royal family). By the time the movie was over, it was night, and we made our way to the Night Bazaar for dinner. We were able to get seats in front of a small theatre, hosting traditional Thai dances:

Here's a short video:

And some photos of the Night Bazaar:

Finally, we headed back, to get some sleep. The following morning, we caught our flight into Singapore...

1 comment:

JT said...

Big Red!!
We miss you!
Try to not get caned in Singapore!